We are starting this letter off with the main reason it was written. We have a major problem with drivers getting help that they don't want on the starting line and water box. This is not just a problem with the backup girls, its guys helping when not asked also. Quain has had to call several guys off to the side because they were jumping in trying to help on the line when not asked to do so and the problem here is a few people that have been told many times and it continues to happen. It has been said many times in the driver's meeting and stated on the Members Only Page the Bug is only responsible for getting the driver lined up not if the burnout is good or bad or if the car is having mechanical problems etc. the crew or track officials will make those calls and no one man or woman should just assume their help is needed unless you are asked to help, PLEASE DON’T!!! Some of these race teams have a certain way they want things done on the starting line and don't want any distractions or help from anyone outside. Even if it's a new driver don't just take for granted they need help and jump in without being ask. Also don't push yourself on the new drivers or any driver for that matter, let them come to you if they want help. Another reason is some driver's wives don't like pics of another woman with their car popping up all over the Internet. The drivers or crew come to Quain complaining because they don't want to hurt the girl's feelings so then he must be the bad guy.
Also, once your driver has left the line, move back past the water box, don't hang out unless the next car coming up is another driver that has asked for your help.
A safety concern that we need to address while here is standing in front of the car during a burn out. If you want to be out in front of your driver when he or she is doing the burn out, be on the other side of the guard rail. Standing between the car and guardrail is not cool at all. If that car got loose there is no way you could move and would be crushed between the rail, and car.
99% of the girls have been respecting these requests so keep up the good work because y'all are a big part of the show and we need you.
All Sega Races are family events, and we need to ensure that while the BUG is an important feature of 1967 Style Drag Racing the presence of Beautiful Ladies should enhance the car, not overpower it.
Some Suggestions:
Mod/Micro Mini/ Shift Dresses and Tunic Dresses and if you opt for any of these dresses Hot Pants/Volleyball Shorts/Bloomers {Whatever else they could be called} Must be Worn Please!!! Why is this being said is because there should be a certain amount of modesty involved, such as planning for weather related situations, especially wind or the track blowers will blowup that dress quicker than you can hold it down. Also please just be aware of how short your dress is, and your butt cheeks could be seen without you even realizing it until it shows up on social media and we know 99.9 percent of you Beautiful Ladies don’t want that and we as a family organization don’t want either. Please just remember some of these Fans and Young Girls are looking at you as much as the Race Car and a lot of them are wanting to be like you. Please just think about what is said here and respect it for what it is.
Thank You For Your Support and the Support for the Southeast Gassers Association!