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HomeBack Up Girls



We are starting this letter off with the main reason it was written. We have a major problem with drivers getting help that they don't want on the starting line and water box. This is not just a problem with the backup girls, its guys helping when not asked also. Quain has had to call several guys off to the side because they were jumping in trying to help on the line when not asked to do so and the problem here is a few people that have been told many times and it continues to happen. It has been said many times in the driver's meeting and stated on the Members Only Page the Bug is only responsible for getting the driver lined up not if the burnout is good or bad or if the car is having mechanical problems etc. the crew or track officials will make those calls and no one man or woman should just assume their help is needed unless you are asked to help, PLEASE DON’T!!! Some of these race teams have a certain way they want things done on the starting line and don't want any distractions or help from anyone outside. Even if it's a new driver don't just take for granted they need help and jump in without being ask. Also don't push yourself on the new drivers or any driver for that matter, let them come to you if they want help. Another reason is some driver's wives don't like pics of another woman with their car popping up all over the Internet. The drivers or crew come to Quain complaining because they don't want to hurt the girl's feelings so then he must be the bad guy.  

Also, once your driver has left the line, move back past the water box, don't hang out unless the next car coming up is another driver that has asked for your help. 

A safety concern that we need to address while here is standing in front of the car during a burn out. If you want to be out in front of your driver when he or she is doing the burn out, be on the other side of the guard rail. Standing between the car and guardrail is not cool at all. If that car got loose there is no way you could move and would be crushed between the rail, and car.  

99% of the girls have been respecting these requests so keep up the good work because y'all are a big part of the show and we need you. 


All Sega Races are family events, and we need to ensure that while the BUG is an important feature of 1967 Style Drag Racing the presence of Beautiful Ladies should enhance the car, not overpower it.

Some Suggestions:

Mod/Micro Mini/ Shift Dresses and Tunic Dresses and if you opt for any of these dresses Hot Pants/Volleyball Shorts/Bloomers {Whatever else they could be called} Must be Worn Please!!! Why is this being said is because there should be a certain amount of modesty involved, such as planning for weather related situations, especially wind or the track blowers will blowup that dress quicker than you can hold it down. Also please just be aware of how short your dress is, and your butt cheeks could be seen without you even realizing it until it shows up on social media and we know 99.9 percent of you Beautiful Ladies don’t want that and we as a family organization don’t want either. Please just remember some of these Fans and Young Girls are looking at you as much as the Race Car and a lot of them are wanting to be like you. Please just think about what is said here and respect it for what it is.

Thank You For Your Support and the Support for the Southeast Gassers Association!


   I was first interested in drag racing when I was 11 when my dad bought his model A and built it to race at a few nostalgia races a year. Right before I turned 16,

I decided I wanted something to race and drive on the street and purchased a 1966 Dodge Dart to build at home. I race it every summer at a nearby nostalgia race.

It was my daily driver in high school and now I drive it whenever I'm home from college. When my brother bought his car to build for the Southeast Gassers

I decided to be his BUG to be involved in his racing. I enjoy being around drag racing in any way that I can.


I'm Daniel Haynes' BUG for The Patriot. We've been married for 18 years. We have two kids, Nicolas and Rebekah. 2019 was our first year racing and my first year being a BUG. Between Daniel teaching me about how to look for the groove and the other girls giving me the encouragement to be out front, I've gained tons of confidence being out front for him! I feel like I'm more apart of the team (even though it's just us). As the year went on I started to BUG for other teams. I now help Bobby Frizzell, Rick Varner, and George Miller.


The first time I ever had the nerve to back up my husband's car, The Ol' Dirty Bastard, I was pregnant with my third baby, Jase. I have been around drag racing for years, Justin and I met at a track in Commerce, but the opportunity to be a BUG all happened within SEGA. It was exhilarating and terrifying to walk up to the line at first, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Over 5 years into this crazy BUG life, I have also started driving my own SEGA racecar and I feel like I learn many new things every time we go to the track. I have been able to back up and support many drivers and am honored to race side by side with them. Even when going gets tough, there have been many fans and SEGA members that support us and I really feel like we have the best association and extended family ever.


Daughter of Larry Noel, the driver of The Crazy Horse and married to Kenneth Phillips, the driver of Silver Streak ll. I started being a BUG when my husband asked me to back him up. I was so nervous since I had never backed anyone up, just watched from the starting lane. I watched Megan Phillips to learn how to be the BUG I am now. I have been with SEGA watching my father and my mother as his BUG for years. Drag racing has been in our family, when I was little my father would take us to NHRA races. My father always had dreams of racing and now they are coming true. I'm blessed to be part of such an amazing racing family.


Sharon has been around racing with me since 1979 when we started dirt track racing. When we went to our first SEGA race in Union, SC in 2017, we both fell in love with the whole deal. Sharon got the idea to help after watching some of the other BUGS. She only backs up the Spinny car and sees a whole different side of the sport. Sharon loves helping out and I will be the first to say she has gotten the hang of it and does a great job!

(this was written by her husband, Spinny Davis)

Southeast Gassers



I've always loved all racing since I was small. I went to all the races with my dad and as I gotten older I wished I could be closer to cars, like a photographer or just helping because I enjoy the rumble of the engines. I met Ron Drake in 2015, he loves to race and build fast cars, so he decided to build a gasser. I helped him a lot, then we joined SEGA and he said I could get down there. I was skeptical because in my mind girls don't wear boots to the track, but with his encouragement along with a couple of other BUGS I decided to try it. Now I love it!


My dad, Dale Morton, began racing with SEGA in 2018 and when he started he said "I can't do this without all my girls" implying me, my mom, and Lucille! I have grown up around cars and racing but never had the courage to be on the track. SEGA and being my dad's BUG helped changed that. Christy, Jenny, and Mary Beth are all great mentors and teachers. I have only backed up for my dad's Lucille due to my hectic work schedule, but getting to a race is always a great day!


I am the daughter of Stephen and Holly Smith. My family got started with SEGA back in 2016 when my dad got the idea to start a merchandise store to help promote races and draw more fans in. I grew up being very introverted and being severely shy. 2018 was my first time out there as a BUG. I was a nervous wreck but with the encouragement of drivers and other BUGS I knew I had nothing to worry about. After becoming a BUG I have become more outgoing and I back up more cars every year. I'm hoping one day to be able to race side by side the other drivers in my own car! I regularly back up Rocky Platt's The Dixie Twister, Jimmy Huff's Hoopty Wagon, Travis Owen's Born to Boogie, Chris Dunn's Boogieman, and Adam Lowhorn's The Rodslinger. I get so excited at every race and look forward to it all over again the next year. Being a BUG has honestly been one the best things for my life.

Cynthia Phillips was introduced to the racing world in 1985 at 17 years old. By the early 1990's, Quain and her started racing Pro Mod but didn't have the money to have a full-time crew like the other professional teams had. She and Quain went on the road full time and she quickly became a professional back up girl. She said, "It was just Quain and I so I had to learn how to help do the maintenance on the car. "There were many nights I worked all night helping Quain rebuild the engine to be ready to race the next day." She quickly learned how to read the race track because no one else was there to do it. It was often said 'she could read a race track better than most men'. Once the sponsor's started coming and they were lucky enough to have a crew, she became team manager and was responsible for keeping the crew in line as she was still performing her duties as a backup girl for Quain. Cynthia has seen all the ups and downs of racing and the bad side of being on the road for sometimes over a month at a time for 36 years.